Creative school named after Isxakhon Ibrat
About school
Additional information
School meal option-icon

School meal option

4 times a day, free of charge

School uniform-icon

School uniform

classic style uniform

School hostel option-icon

School hostel option

free of charge

School equipments option
Date of foundation2017 y
Address21 Turkistan street, Turakurgan district, Namangan region, Uzbekistan.
Director  Shovrikov Zafarjon Gofurjonovich
Phone number+998 69 442 22 21
Specialization  foreign languages (English, German, French, Korean)
Type of educationCo-education (boys and girls study together)
Grades  From 7 to 11
Number of teachers21
Number of students154
Schools meals 4 times a day, free of charge
School uniform classic style uniform
Dormitory  free of charge
Equipment  In addition to the standard technical school equipment of the boarding school, classrooms are equipped with Smart TV and electronic boards to strengthen theoretical knowledge in practice. The scientific laboratories and conference hall have modern equipment. The school has a language laboratory for language learning. The computer classroom is designed for learning purposes, and students can use the equipment to complete circle and homework assignments. 
Created conditions: The school has its own medical center. The institution pays great attention to sports. The school sports complex is equipped with all necessary equipment,