Date of foundation | 2018 yil |
Address | 138, Turkistan street, Fergana region, Margilan city. |
Director | Mannopova Nigora Muxamedovna |
Phone number | +9989 73 249-01-26 |
Website | | | |
Specialization | the native language, literature and foreign languages |
Type of education | Co-education (boys and girls study together) |
Language of education | Uzbek |
Grades | From 6 to 11 |
Number of teachers | 27 |
Number of students | 198 |
Schools meals | 4 times a day, free of charge |
School uniform | Exist |
Dormitory | free of charge |
Equipment | The total capacity of the boarding school is 210 seats, including 300 seats Assembly Hall, 80 beds dormitory and 90 seats in canteen. The computer room is equipped with a modern touch screen, and other 7 classrooms are equipped with the latest computers and electronic whiteboards. The boarding school is completely connected to the Internet. |
Created conditions: | The school has its own medical center. The government agency pays great attention to sport. The school sport complex is equipped with all necessary equipment. |