Creative school named after Erkin Vohidov
About school
Additional information
School meal option-icon

School meal option

4 times a day, free of charge

School uniform-icon

School uniform


School hostel option-icon

School hostel option

free of charge

School equipments option
Date of foundation2018 yil
Address138, Turkistan street, Fergana region, Margilan city.
DirectorMannopova Nigora Muxamedovna
Phone number+9989 73 249-01-26
Specializationthe native language, literature and foreign languages
Type of educationCo-education (boys and girls study together)
Language of educationUzbek
Grades  From 6 to 11
Number of teachers27
Number of students198
Schools meals 4 times a day, free of charge
School uniform Exist
Dormitory  free of charge
Equipment  The total capacity of the boarding school is 210 seats, including   300 seats Assembly Hall, 80 beds dormitory and 90 seats in canteen. The computer room is equipped with a modern touch screen, and other 7 classrooms are equipped with the latest computers and electronic whiteboards. The boarding school is completely connected to the Internet.
Created conditions:The school has its own medical center. The government agency pays great attention to sport. The school sport complex is equipped with all necessary equipment.