Creative school named after Abdulla Oripov
About school
Additional information
School meal option-icon

School meal option

5 times a day, free of charge

School uniform-icon

School uniform

classic style uniform

School hostel option-icon

School hostel option

available, free

School equipments option
Date of foundation2017 y
Address219, Islam Karimov street, Tabassum mahalla, Karshi city, Kashkadarya region 
Director  Djamalova Yokutoy Kamalovna
Phone number+9989 75 221 75 26
Specialization  Social Sciences
Type of educationCo-education (boys and girls study together)
Grades  From 6 to 11
Number of teachers25
Number of students189
Schools meals 5 times a day, free of charge
School uniform classic style uniform
Dormitory  free of charge
Equipment  The school is equipped in accordance with the requirements of state education standard. There are modern equipment in school laboratories. There are special, modern classes for students to learn English and Russian. 46 computers can be used by pupils for educational purposes.
Created conditions:The school has its own medical center. The government agency pays great attention to sport. The sport complex of school is equipped with all necessary equipment.