Presidential School in Nurafshon
About school

Presidential schools

The Presidential School is a specialized state educational institution whose activities are aimed at identifying and teaching gifted children to train highly qualified specialists. Our goal “To prepare future leaders and students of the nation who will win international Olympiads and competitions and enter the best universities in the world. We train leaders who can compete on the global stage”.
Additional information
School meal option-icon

School meal option

Meals 5 times, free

School uniform-icon

School uniform


School hostel option-icon

School hostel option


School equipments option
Date of foundation2021
AddressYangi Obod mahalla, Nurafshon city, Uzbekstan
Director  Yuldoshov Maxmud Ma'ruf o'g'li
Phone number+998 55 900 02 01
Specialization  Natural and exact sciences, foreign languages, engineering and information technology 
Type of educationCo-education (boys and girls study together)
Grades  From 5 to 10
Number of teachersThe locals 26, Foreigners 9
Number of students144
Schools meals 5 times a day, free of charge
School uniform classic style uniform, free of charge
Dormitory  3-storey dormitory, free of charge
Equipment  In addition to the standard equipment of educational institutions, our school is equipped with modern equipment specially designed to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students. For classes in special subjects (STEAM), there are modern specially equipped classrooms. Information technology classrooms are equipped with modern computers, where students have the opportunity to conduct computer research outside the classroom, each classroom is equipped with Smartboards.
Created conditions:The school has a medical office equipped with all the necessary equipment, the health of students is constantly monitored by specialist doctors. The educational institution pays great attention to sports. The sports complex of the school is equipped with modern sports simulators. There is a swimming pool, basketball and football field at the disposal of pupils, also various of sports competitions are regularly held. There are more than 4 thousand different fiction and educational literature in the library of the school, where students can develop their knowledge in their free time.