Muhammad al-Khwarizmi Specialized IT School
Additional information
School meal option-icon

School meal option

5 meals a day, free

School uniform-icon

School uniform

classic style uniform

School hostel option-icon

School hostel option


School equipments option
Date of foundation2017
AddressTashkent city, Yashnabad district, Makhtumkuli street
Director  Shakirova Sevara Boxodirovna
Phone number+998 (55) 501 50 50
Specialization  Mathematics, Physics, Computer science, English.
Type of educationCo-education (boys and girls study together)
Grades  From 5 to 11
Number of teachers91
Number of students844
Schools meals 5 times a day, free of charge
School uniform classic style uniform
Dormitory  3-storey dormitory, free of charge
Equipment        Our school is equipped according to modern standards and equipped with specially designed equipment so that students can consolidate their theoretical knowledge in practice. Scientific laboratories and exhibition halls, an assembly hall for 500 seats are equipped with modern equipment. There are 10 laboratories equipped with the latest computer models. On the territory of the school and hostel there is a first-aid post and an isolation ward. The institution pays great attention to sports. The sports complex of the school is equipped with all the necessary equipment.  There is a library for 125 students, which contains more than 3000 works of art. Robotic and schematic rooms are equipped with all the necessary tools. 
Created conditions:

Special programs in mathematics, physics, computer science and English have been developed, electives have been established. Robotics and judo clubs are organized for students. A media center equipped with modern technology was created to cover school events, develop video tutorials and work on projects.

Pupils of the school regularly take part in Olympiads in mathematics, physics and computer science.

Pupils of the school of Muhammad al-Khorezmi took part and won the first place in  the "Roboto-Uz" competition, which was held for the first time in Uzbekistan in 2020.