Specialized school named after Abu Ali ibn Sina
Additional information
School meal option-icon

School meal option

4 times a day, free

School uniform-icon

School uniform

classic style uniform

School hostel option-icon

School hostel option

4-storey dormitory, free of charge

School equipments option
Date of foundation2018
Address1 Mirzo Golib street, Olmazor district Tashkent city, Uzbekistan 
Director  Kamolov Jamoliddin Sayfitdinovich
Phone number+998 (71) 246 80 63
Specialization  Biology and chemistry
Type of educationCo-education (boys and girls study together)
Grades  From 7 to 11
Number of teachers76
Number of students321
Schools meals 4 times a day, free of charge
School uniform classic style uniform
Dormitory  4-storey dormitory, free of charge